Collectibles in Europe – FAQ
What are collectibles?
Products packaged in 4-seals packets, and in flow-pack (or flow-wrap). Traditional collectables include stickers and trading cards, but also 3D products and gadgets are today part of this category.
Which subjects and themes are used?
Sports (mainly football), TV and cinema, fashion, (pop) music, animals, education.
For which target?
Boys and girls of the age of 5 to 14, depending on the licence/property and the type of product.
What's determining the success of a collectable series?
A few different ingredients: a good license/property, a marketing campaign with cross-promotions, the quality of the product, its availability on the market, the price, a large number of collectors providing for ample swap oppotunities.
Which sales channels are used?
Newsstands, newstrade, newsagents, kiosks, candy shops, toy shops, gadget shops, collectors’ shops, fanshops and online shops.
Who are the most important players in this market?
A few companies and groups, among them Panini, Topps, Martomagic, Edibas, Grani & Partners, Gedis, Mundicromo, and Blue Ocean.
Who are the best suppliers?
Highly-specialised packagers, with machines that are able to mix and package a wide range of contents.